Jurnal Geosains dan Remote Sensing (JGRS) is a periodic scientific journal in geosciences, including remote sensing, published by the Department of Geophysics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Lampung in two editions every May and November for one year. Published articles have gone through a blind review and editorial process following scientific publication standards. The article's topic is prioritized from original research and the study of new knowledge from the field of geosciences, such as natural resources and disaster mitigation, including remote sensing. Jurnal Geosains dan Remote Sensing (JGRS) has been accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Indonesia, Rank 3 (SINTA 3) from Volume 1 Number 1 2020 to Volume 5 Number 2 2024, NO. 105/E/KPT/2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23960/jgrs

Current Issue

Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JGRS Edisi November
Jurnal Geosains dan Remote Sensing, Geologi, Geofisika, Pengideraan Jauh, Eksplorasi Sumber Daya Alam (Migas, Mineral dan Batubara), Panas Bumi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (Kegunungapian, Gempa dan Tsunami, Longsor, Subsiden

Jurnal Geosains dan Remote Sensing (JGRS) published six articles in the field of geoscience in this edition, including three on vegetation cover models using the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) method in East Lampung Regency, its combination with Land Surface Temperature (LST) in Jatigede Reservoir, and its correlation with the presence of mineral alteration. Then, there is an article about flood hazards and risks in Sirimau District, Ambon, and tremor event characterization in Sinabung Volcano. Another article about geological heritage conservation in Bukit Duabelas National Park (TNBD), Sarolangun Regency. All of the articles we publish are available to all users worldwide (Open Access). Thank you to the entire team of authors who entrusted their scientific articles to JGRS for publication. We invite researchers to collaborate again by publishing scientific articles in the next edition of JGRS (Call for Paper).

Published: 2023-11-30



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